Author's posts

RCMP lays 31 charges against Conservative Senator, PM Harper may testify under oath

Originally published at the NAAIJ on July 18th, 2014 Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ The RCMP today laid 31 charges against Conservative Senator Mike Duffy, An appointee of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The charges laid are as follows, quoted from the RCMP Press Release[1] “Expense claims in relation to his …

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Reset The Net, June 5th 2014, Don’t ask for your privacy. Take it back.

Originally published at the NAAIJ on June 2nd, 2014 Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ A campaign is under way to Reset The Net. The hope of this campaign is to emerge in a post June 5th world with a more secure standard of communications. It is common knowledge these days …

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Carmageddon Reincarnation Advanced Config Tool v0.1.4.1

Download CRAdvCFGv0141.rar CRAdvCFG v0.1.4.1 Carmageddon Reincarnation Advanced Config Tool v0.1.4.1 DEBUG RELEASE, READ ONLY CRC32//CRAdvCFG.exe//39D493CE Updates: Steam: Veritas_83 Raptr: veritas_ Twitter: @Veritas_83 This is a read only debug release. Detects your steam path and assumes you installed to default folder. Supports a few more settings than previous version. ** Requires Administrator permissions to access …

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BPAdvCFG – Burnout Paradise Advanced Config Tool v0.5 Final Version

Burnout Paradise Advanced Config Tool v0.5 BPAdvCFG v0.5 (Final Release) Written by Nigel Todman ([email protected]) CRC32/BPAdvCFG-final.exe/09B8BD1C If you get errors, Make sure your game is properly installed. A registry key created on install, but not required for play, is found here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games\Burnout(TM) Paradise The Ultimate Box or here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA Games\Burnout(TM) Paradise The Ultimate Box …

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