Author's posts

Microsoft releases new WLMessenger 14 Build 8064 – Screenshots

Logged into MSN today and noticed there was a new build available. Looks much different then the previous build. Heres some screenshots.

Crash solution to in Windows Media Player

So i was having some trouble watching videos in Windows Media Player due to a file called , This file is a Nero Plugin that is included with all versions of Nero 7 and higher. After some Google’ing I found this: Forum Which specifies a fix that would have worked just fine…except it …

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Windows 7 Build 7057 Leaks to the internet.

This was originally a post on my old blog, but my new blog feels rather empty. So…im mainly just reposting this for the Checksums and Hashes Windows 7 Build 7057 Leaked, Screenshotted 7:40 PM – March 13, 2009 by Marcus Yam Source: Tom’s Hardware US – Category : Software 7 comments With Windows 7 …

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New blog.

So, I’ve been blogging now for just over a year. And suddenly I start getting all kinds of spam comments. I set all my comment settings to moderated and started the process of deleting such comments one by one, without first logging a few details…ip address, acct name, e-mail and timestamp and a couple of …

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