Author's posts

How neo-Nazis and White Supremacists co-opted the ‘OK’ hand symbol to mean White Power

You may be asking yourself. Why is the neo-nazi Terrorist responsible for the recent attack in New Zealand making the ‘OK’ symbol during his court appearance? The answer. Is that that is not the OK hand symbol. And hasn’t been since 2016 at least. I will now detail for you in chronological order the rise …

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I am now offering 3D Printing Services!

I am now offering 3D Printing Services! I can reliably print at 0.1mm resolution, Other standard resolutions available are: 0.15mm, 0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm. Any resolution between 0.1mm and 0.4mm is possible. Resolution is the height of each layer of the print. My printer can create objects of up to 220mm x 220mm wide and 240mm …

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Facebook spam filter breaks – Removing millions of posts.

In the last few hours Facebooks Spam detection system appears to have completely broken. I first noticed it with my own posts … and then a few more friends … and then several more … and then dozens. Even Facebooks own Community Standards page is being blocked as Spam. Nothing is safe. Here are some …

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HackerSim – Semi-Accurate hacking game simulation

Working Title: HackerSim State: Alpha Progress: 2% Complete Description: Back in the day, There was what was known as the ‘Golden Age of Hacking’. When the default installation of the most popular version of Windows provided for a blank Administrator password. When NetBIOS sessions were unfiltered globally on the Internet. When Directory Traversals where common …

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