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Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials Script

Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials v0.0.2-r14 Discuss on Minecraft Forums (GitHub) Written by Nigel Todman ( Development Server: MC.NIGELTODMAN.COM Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials v0.0.2-r14 Written by Nigel Todman ( Development Server: MC.NIGELTODMAN.COM Config: Line 6 of triggers.mcfunction, Specify your world spawn coords after the line World Specific Coords Start Lines 17/18 of setup.mcfunction Start_Config Set to …

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Minecraft 1.13 Function Loop skeleton

Usage Simply drop veritas0923 into your ‘datapacks’ folder Run /function v0923:setup Implemented gameloop function looping with game ticks ticks counted to 100 then reset. stores player coords displays tickcount on sidebar To use a skeleton for your own project. Simply rename v0923 in ticks.json and rename the v0923 to your own namespace. Written for/tested on …

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This infographic about Papa Johns is going viral

Originally published at Add me on Follow me on about Papa Johns founder is going viral. Shared by the Facebook Page ‘’, As of writing it currently has over 110,000 Shares and 58,000 ‘Likes’ or other emoticon related reactions. I’ve gathered some of the responses to demonstrate the general tone of the replies as well …

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